Thursday, April 30, 2020

Team Aurora has a new blog post!

Friday schedule

Hello Aurora,

Today's LA work was on Commonlit. Many of us are struggling with getting on to this site. I am in touch with commonlit. We will work on this more on Friday.


Song of the day I'm feeling spacy today

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Team Aurora has a new blog post!


Here is tomorrow and Friday's schedule.

We have CPR Friday at 10 am.

On Thursday, students will be working on This was supposed to be set up last Thursday (most of us did, but a few did not.) If this happened, students can just click on the link in the assignment on seesaw. Contact Ms. Lamb with any questions or problems.

Math is on the math document, per usual. 

song of the day (you need to watch the video to get the full effect)

Apple offering some shows for free during pandemic

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Team Aurora has a new blog post!

Hello Aurora,

Today we noticed several of us are having a bit of hard time getting back into the swing of things, particularly with math completion. We will keep reaching out to students when we don't hear from them.

Also, a reminder to all, we are now taking attendance. Mr, Nicholson is helping with this and will start sending out a daily email for kids to reply to. If Mr. Nick doesn't hear back from you (students), Ms. Lamb and Ms. Roberge will check to see if we have heard from you by attending a meeting or responding to an assignment or email. Otherwise, we will count you as absent and then we will try to find you to make sure you are okay.  It's okay to not get your work done (if you must), but please stay in contact. We will help you get back on track.

We had book meets today and will have more tomorrow. If you missed your time, I have sent an email to see if you can join tomorrow, or set up a personal time with me. Please check your email.

Here are the schedules for the next few days.

song of the day

My new shopping outfit
Image may contain: one or more people and hat

Monday, April 27, 2020

Team Aurora has a new blog post!
Monday schedule
Tuesday schedule
Wednesday schedule (remember, the docs aren't updated until late the night before or early in the morning of)
Hello again! It's back to the "regular" irregularities of this school year.

I missed everyone, even if just in box on line presence. I hope you all had some great time away from your computer last week.

Today, we will get together for a CPR meet at 10:00. All of the Monday book meets are moved to Tuesday.

Please go to seesaw to see the Monday LA assignment and google docs to see the math.

Notes from our CPR meeting: We are now taking attendance. Students should try to make evidence of "being here" daily by emailing one of us, completing work (we can see if you did work, and that means you are "present"), or attending a meeting like CPR, math help or Book Meets.

Also, we will have a "sort of" report card. This will reflect something like - great work!, some work, no work. (More on this as it becomes clearer to us)

Just because

VACATION! April 20 - 24

Team Aurora has a new blog post!

A special note from Ms. Roberge....

Happy vacation week!
We know it feels different this year, especially for many who had trips planned. 
We decided to put together a document of ideas so that you had something to do/look forward to, if you need it. There are also some tech free options to choose from.

All of these are great for the whole family! Vacation week document

I will also be sending out the invites for Tuesdays and Thursdays lunch bunch. 
I will be holding them from 12-1 on those days. These are optional and just some ideas to keep you connected over break. 

The weather seems mostly beautiful for the week, so I am incredibly grateful for that! 
We will try to add to our list of ideas throughout the week. If you have ideas, please share so I can add them too!

From Ms. Lamb

A few kids did not manage to get onto the site. This is required by our districts, so it would be super cool if kids got on this week, but we can work on it next Monday if you are trying to "disconnect" for the week.

Happy vacation. Please try to disconnect in some way.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Team Aurora has a new blog post!

Good Morning!

In LA, we spent the day trying to get onto this website  At the time of this writing, 23 of us managed to log in and 9 managed to do the assignment. The hard part was getting in and getting the right class and getting the assignment. I appreciate everyone working on this. This was a dictate from MMUUSD, which is why we weren't on already and why it is hard to get on from a distance. Please contact me if you continue to have problems.

Math, of course, is all on the doc on google classroom. I hope you have your crazy hair on.
Good Morning!

Vacation is almost here. We will try to post an optional vacation schedule that will have some fun links on it. Look for that tomorrow.
Song of the day (thanks for introducing me to these, Aoife

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Team Aurora has a new blog post!
Today was pajama day. Tomorrow crazy hair. Friday colorful.
Thursday schedule
Friday schedule


Book clubs met today. Anybody that missed their meeting will get an email to set up another time when we can chat about books. I also sent a video to everyone that was not there. Check your email.


Song of the day

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Team Aurora has a new blog post!

Wednesday schedule
Thursday schedule

We had CPR this morning at 9. We had fun trying out our Nod extension for raising hands and clapping and laughing.  Our next CPR will be Friday at 10.

The math folk have a spirit week. We have some delightful pictures we are sharing daily. Monday was Red and Black and gratitude day. Today was silly sock day. We share photos on a site Ms. Roberge shared with all. Ask your student for a peek.

Today, we have a new story for LA. We are still thinking about characters and how they relate to each other and maybe why they relate that way. It kind of feels like a psychology class, because we could think all the same things about how we behave and relate to each other.  We will continue thinking about this story tomorrow

I think we need to have a talent show. I'm thinking maybe the week after vacation. I posed the idea at CPR today and we will think about it over vacation. This will be totally voluntary, of course.  Some of us will be needed just to be the audience, so no pressure.  Show offs need love too.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Team Aurora has a new blog post!

I almost forgot to blog today, so this is coming to you a bit late.
Here is Tuesday's schedule and
Wednesday's schedule
Remember, if you check them before 8 am on the day they are for, they may not be completely updated.

We have CPR tomorrow at 9 am. We look forward to seeing everyone and connecting, but CPR is optional. If you are just not up for it, or busy, or forget, it's okay. We are all doing our best. Let us know and we can help your students set up your own google meets activities.

Over the weekend there were some problems with google hangouts video chatting and setting up google meets, but they seem to be fixed now. We are all grateful for tech support. Don't forget to reach out to teachers or write directly to if you have issues.

We just entered our fourth week of distance learning. If you are having days where
1) nothing is getting done
2) nothing is going right
3) student's can't figure anything out on their own
4) all of the children are fighting
5) more than one of you is crying at the same time
Please, please, cut yourself some slack. Contact us when you can and we will set up a new plan for you if you are feeling behind and overwhelmed.  We can get you back on track. Please don't disappear because we will miss you and come after you (through the internet.)  NEXT WEEK IS VACATION, which may look alarmingly like not vacation.  Since no one is going anywhere, it can be a fine time to catch up. We will not be having any assignments for that week.

Today, the Monday book groups met. It was stimulating, as always. If you forgot your meeting, or couldn't make it for some reason, let me know and I can squeeze you into a Wednesday group. The meets are only 15 minutes, but we get to talk about books and think about characters, so they are very worthwhile.  We often sort out assignments as well.

We can do this. We can do hard things.

See you in cyberspace.

another funny Rube Goldberg Machine


Friday, April 10, 2020

Team Aurora has a new blog post!

Song of the day

Unbelievably, we finished day 16 of distance learning, but who's counting.  We continue to rock this. I'm seeing so many thoughtful responses on Seesaw. I really enjoyed meeting with almost everyone this week in book groups. Everyone was resent the document with their times and invitations will go out Monday and Wednesday.

We have had pretty good luck with having CPR on Tuesdays and Fridays, two we will likely continue with that.  We will continue with Tuesdays at 9 am and Fridays at 10 am. Next Friday will begin our week of no assignments (it seems weird to call it vacation.)

Thank you for your continued support as we navigate this weird and unprecedented situation. Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns. Some students (and parents) may need some adjustments due to all kinds of possible reasons. Please, let us know if you need help with anything. If we can't help you, we will find someone who can.

A note from Mr. Nicholoson: Allied Arts not changing. The administrative plan is to have students access the Allied Arts Remote Learning Hub which will be on the BRMS website. Students can do stuff on any or all of the Allied Arts Learning Opportunities.

Have a great weekend....or two days without assignments from Aurora.
3 Ways to Have a More Productive Weekend | Chegg Play

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Team Aurora has a new blog post!

Kids, it was nice to see some of you yesterday and talk books. If you didn't make it to your meeting, I would love to connect with you today. Watch your email to set up a time with me.

Today is normally catch up day, but I want to power through Harbor Me and finish tomorrow. Please let me know if you are struggling to get things finished. There is a new segment to listen to. You may respond in any way you wish and about anything you wish.

Don't forget about math. Contact Ms. Roberge if you have any questions. I notice Ms. Roberge had a meeting with anyone that wanted to attend, regarding math. The meeting was at 2:00. Look for more of these opportunities.

On a Thursday afternoon and complaining that they "just don't feel ...

Song of the day

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Team Aurora has a new blog post!

Image may contain: possible text that says 'DON'T FORGET TO WASH YOUR HANDS'

Hello Team!

I had a few great meetings with book groups today. A few kids have missed, so ask your student if they have had a book group meeting yet. If not, they should contact me via email.

Harbor Me, our whole group book club book, will come to an end on Friday. Next week we will do some short stories and writing prompts.

Math continues from the doc found on google classroom.

Remember, science is optional at this point as are the assignments that I post with optional in the title - yet, these are truly interesting and brain stimulation activities. There is no need to be bored.

Thursday schedule
Friday schedule

video of the day (previous song of the day)

Song of the day

Tuesday, April 7, 20202

Team Aurora has a new blog post!

Hi team,

Today, we had a lovely CPR check-in. Our next meet will be Friday at 10 am for those that can make it.  Please remember that students are expected to complete two hours of work each day....1 hour of math, 1 hour of LA (it could take less or a little more.)  We are posting optional assignments on and allied arts teachers are also posting optional assignments.  Please let us know right away if you are feeling overwhelmed. We will adjust things.  We don't want you to be bored, though, so we post lots of great learning or playing opportunities.

Ms. Roberge reported that all math will be done and posted on the math document. She sent an email to everyone explaining this.

It's a beautiful day. I hope you get outside to enjoy it.

Wednesday schedule
Thursday schedule

Song/video of the day

Monday, April 6, 2020

Team Aurora has a new blog post!

The sun is out!!

Today has been day of meetings. I started meeting with small groups to discuss our reading and any questions with LA work. Thanks to everyone who came. It was so wonderful that everyone is doing things and learning things. It makes my heart sing.  (If you missed your meeting time, I will contact you personally by email.) Everyone else, your meeting in on Wednesday.

We meet tomorrow for CPR at 9 am. We will meet again Friday (I think) at 10 am. If this changes, I'll let you know tomorrow.

Adults, please do not hesitate to reach out to us if there are any issues with students meeting. As I mentioned on Friday, we have been reallowed to hold full group meetings. Sometimes, homes experience stress with getting kids online at a particular time. Please let us know if there are any issues with that and we will work to alleviate. Also, group meetings are optional for students.

Here we are, entering week 3 of this grand social experiment. Thank you, everyone, for your support, flexibility, and understanding. I feel Aurora is doing a great job. We will finish Harbor Me this week and move on to shorter stories, videos and picture books. Ms. Lamb is posting more optional videos and such for LA this week so no one feels bored or stir crazy due to lack of LA work. Never forget those field trips into books. Now is your time to read and read and read. 

Song of the day  (this is my friend Dave Keller - you can ignore his long request of support at the end -- or whatever. I just like the song.)

Work from Home? | Work quotes funny, Working from home meme, Work ...
Tuesday's schedule
Wednesday's schedule

Friday, April 3, 2020

Team Aurora has a new blog post!

Hello extended Team Aurora,

Good news!
WE CAN STILL HAVE GROUP CPR! The administration met today and revised the rules.
You can do your math and LA whenever it works for you and if you can't make it to CPR, we will move times around - if you want to come, and if you don't want to come, you don't have to.

Science and all of our special challenges are there to make you better and stronger thinkers. Do them when and if you can. Don't forget to look at others' replies and comment to them. Ms. Lamb will be getting to all posts and commenting or liking to indicate that I have read them.

We will still arrange the groups for 4 to meet up to talk about what you are reading and how math understanding is going. Stay tuned for those.

Yay! We plan to meet Tuesday for CPR and try to meet in our groups of 4 on Monday. I'm so happy because I love our meetings and I love to see everyone or to just hear your voice and I know you are okay. 

I would say happy Friday, but sometimes the days bleed together now. Well, let's celebrate anyway.

We are very aware that it may be difficult for some students to follow our schedule or even complete work on the day it is assigned. We are contacting students that are falling behind with work. Please reach out to us if your student needs a different plan for work. We will try to adjust.

Song of the day

Be well and have a great weekend.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Team Aurora has a new blog post!

Hello Aurora,

Things continue to change regarding our expectations for online learning. Tomorrow will be our final full group meeting for CPR at 10 am, as we have been directed to hold no more in-person large group meetings.  We will be allowed to have small group meetings of 5, so we will adjust to smaller groups and more use of flipgrid videos (one-minute videos posted by students for sharing) and possibly other sites where Ms. Roberge and I can post a video and kids can comment. Students are still welcomed to hold their own social meetings on Google Meet and Google Hangouts.

Remember there are daily assignments for math and Friday to Wednesday assignments for LA Each assignment is expected to take an hour or less. It is important that students are posting on seesaw (even if it ist say they shared a document with the teachers.) Otherwise, students may get emails from us checking in as we are worried they are not learning as much as they could or maybe they need more direction. Adults, do not hesitate to contact us if you are struggling with anything regarding distance learning.

We will continue to design ways for us to stay connected.
Friday schedule
Monday schedule

Be well.
First IATA-authorized training center in Hong Kong to open in ...

song of the day (Thanks Aoife)

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Team Aurora has a new blog post!
No photo description available.

Hi Team,
I'm a little late today.
Here is Thursday's Schedule and
Friday's Schedule
Remember, these schedules get they may not be 100% accurate right this second.

There are some new guidelines and expectations coming from the administration which will change some of what we do. Look in your email for that. We will have a CPR meeting on Friday at 10 am (rather than 9.)

Tomorrow will be a catch-up day or Genius Hour for LA. There will not be a reading posted for Harbor Me. Look for a bit longer of a read on Friday. There is a math lesson, however. Science will remain to keep your moon journal and watching videos. Science will be a bit like Allied Arts - please get to it if you can. It will expand your mind and make you a better person.

Please remember to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about work or anything else you think we can help with.

News from Physical Education

Song of the day

Monday/Tuesday, June 8/9, 2020

Team Aurora has a new blog post! I forgot to blog yesterday! We are winding down the year. This week will be the last full week and last ...