What a wonderful first week!

Team Aurora has a new blog post!

We had planned to post our first video blog today, but alas, we ran out of week. We shall attempt it on Tuesday.

Here were some highlights of the week:

Writing our first stories
Classroom scavenger hunt
Creating classroom maps
Attending our first 5th Grade Town Meeting
Learning about clubs
Singing a new birthday song for our August birthdays
First day of chorus today
lunch buddies
Creating leaves for our community tree (see it in the hall outside Team Epic)
Classroom reading (classroom library exploring - we love those graphic novels)
Reading logs
Reflection journals
Using our growth mindset
Using C.A.R.E.S. (cooperation, assertion, responsibility, empathy and self-control)
Practicing CARES shout outs
Classroom jobs
Procedures for everything....hallway, end of day, lunch, recess, bus
Smelling our math books
Read aloud
flexible seating
Cross county running (for many of us!)
and that was only 3 days!
Rest well this weekend. We have more to do next week. It is so fun to be around the excitement of fifth graders.

Monday/Tuesday, June 8/9, 2020

Team Aurora has a new blog post! I forgot to blog yesterday! We are winding down the year. This week will be the last full week and last ...