Our second Vlog is ready! 9-21-18

Team Aurora has a new blog post!

Vlog #2 Our second edition 9-21-18

It feels like the week just began and now it is over. On this very rainy Friday, Ms. Roberge is home nursing a cold. Have no fear, Ms. Lintereur has stepped in to sub (she works in Epic most days.)

This weeks highlights include:
All Team Meeting today
Creating our continents
Finishing first two week menus for seminar math and ela
Setting up our evidence binders
Dot Day
Creating arrays in math
Finishing our flash drafts in writing (personal narrative story drafts)
Starting band lessons

Have great weekend and first day of autumn!

Monday/Tuesday, June 8/9, 2020

Team Aurora has a new blog post! I forgot to blog yesterday! We are winding down the year. This week will be the last full week and last ...